Georgia Transfer is part of Georgia’s ongoing effort to encourage citizens to complete their college degrees. In 2009, Governor Nathan Deal established the Alliance of Education Agency Heads (AEAH), a partnership of representatives from Georgia's education agencies who work to increase the state’s high school graduation rates and college enrollment rates. In addition, in 2011 Deal announced the Complete College Georgia Initiative to address the state’s higher education challenges and its effect on the economy. According to the Complete College Georgia: Georgia’s Higher Education Completion Plan 2012,
“The Georgia of the future is a state where a majority of the available jobs are out of reach to a majority of its people.”
The report found that only 42 percent of young adults in Georgia complete a college degree. However, the state continues to advance economically and in the future 60 percent of jobs will require some form of college education (certificate, associate degree, bachelor’s degree). As a result, many jobs will be out of reach for many citizens and Georgia may lose business without a competitive workforce. The report concludes the number of Georgia’s citizens who complete a college degree will not increase without an intervention plan. This report resulted in several initiatives, including Georgia Transfer Articulation Cooperative Services (GATRACS), now known as Georgia Transfer since fiscal year 2021. The original purpose of Georgia Transfer was to establish the College Credit Transfer tool, linked to the GAfutures website. This tool is available to Georgia students, parents, college advisors, and high school counselors free of charge. They can enter and save their college course history and find transfer credit information on participating Georgia colleges and universities. As Georgia Transfer has developed, we have continued to create resources and tools for transfer students and the education professionals who assist them, including the Exam to College Course tool, and a data reporting tool for institutions that participate in the College Credit Transfer tool. In addition, we administer a tool for institutions to request dual enrollment course approvals.
Georgia Transfer is governed by the GATRACS Council, which is made up of executive leadership of the partner agencies. The Council guides policy and directs the strategy and direction of the Georgia Transfer team. Each year, the team reviews the mission and vision and revises as necessary to ensure our efforts are aligned with the strategic plans of our partners.

Supporting Georgia by making every college credit count!
(2011). Complete College Georgia: Georgia’s Higher Education Completion Plan 2012. In University System of Georgia.
Complete college Georgia: An overview. The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement. (2011, December 9).