GaTransfer Data Insights Reporting Tool
Our college partners can use the Data Insights Reporting tool to analyze data about their institution from the College Credit Transfer tool. The Insights tool reports include data about students who show an interest in transferring to an institution, which courses students would like to transfer to an institution, and what courses an institution does not show as transferable in the College Credit Transfer tool.
How Insights and the College Credit Transfer Tool Work Together
The reports in the Insights tool are pulled from the College Credit Transfer tool, which resides in the GAfutures website and requires a free GAfutures account login. Students enter their self-reported college course history in the College Credit Transfer tool and search for credit transfer opportunities at colleges and universities in the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG), the University System of Georgia (USG), and some private colleges.
Learn more about the College Credit Transfer tool.
Insights As a Recruiting Tool
If your institution participates in the College Credit Transfer tool you can use the Data Insights Reporting tool to pull contact information about students who have shown an interest in your institution enabling you to reach out to those potential students. The Insights tool also contains reports about courses that do not appear to transfer to your institution in the College Credit Transfer tool. The course may be accepted by your institution but we do not have your latest data. We can help you update your data in the College Credit Transfer tool. If you work for a Georgia institution and would like to learn more about Insights, contact us at GATRACS@usg.edu.
About the Georgia College Credit Transfer Tool
If you work for a Georgia institution and are not participating in the College Credit Transfer tool, contact us at GATRACS@usg.edu to schedule a demonstration of the tool and the requirements to participate. If your institution is already participating in the College Credit Transfer tool, learn more about how to make sure you are getting the best search results in this tool which is used at the GaTransfer SharePoint site for our college partners. Contact us at GATRACS@usg.edu to request access to the SharePoint site.