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Georgia Transfer

Outreach Toolkit

Outreach Toolkit

Help us raise awareness of the Georgia Transfer tools among students, parents, counselors, and advisors. Invite us to take part in your next fair or event, and use the digital and print resources below on your website and print handouts. Also, scroll down for additional useful links. 

College & High School Fairs and Events

The Georgia Transfer team members would like to take part in your college fairs and other student events. Contact us at to schedule a visit. 

Georgia Transfer Text & Links for Your Campus Website

We encourage our educational partners to add links to the Georgia Transfer tools to your websites as a resource for students and potential students. Below are links to our website and tools, as well as suggested text to describe these resources:

Georgia Transfer Website 

Georgia Transfer provides college credit transfer tools to help Georgia students find college, dual enrollment, and exam score credit transfer information. Learn more at the Georgia Transfer website:

College Credit Transfer Tool

Georgia students use the College Credit Transfer tool to find college and dual enrollment credit transfer information from participating colleges and universities across the state. The tool is located on the GAfutures website and requires a free GAfutures account. The Georgia Transfer website contains instructions and video tutorials for the tool.

Exam to College Course Tool

Students use the Exam to College Course tool to find Georgia institutions that accept exam scores for college credit:

Download the Georgia Transfer Logos

You can download the Georgia Transfer logos below to use on your website, presentation slides, and other media. The standard Georgia Transfer logo is trademarked. Please use the registered trademark symbol with this logo. The trademark is not necessary with the other versions of the logo. The Georgia Transfer official colors are defined below:

Georgia Transfer color specifications

Digital and print downloads

The following brochures describe the Georgia Transfer tools and services for students, parents, high school counselors, and college advisors. 

College Credit Transfer Tool (PDF)

College Credit Transfer Tool (PDF)

Exam to College Course Tool (PDF)

Exam to College Course Tool (PDF)

Third Thursdys for High School Counselors (PDF)

Third Thursdys for High School Counselors (PDF)

Georgia Tools for College Planning (PDF)

Georgia Tools for College Planning (PDF)

Georgia Transfer Tools for Professionals (PDF)

Georgia Transfer Tools for Professionals (PDF)

Georgia Transfer Tools for Students (PDF)

Georgia Transfer Tools for Students (PDF)